By Jay Jennings (Inspired by a Larry Becker routine)
A fun parlor or stage mentalism routine that’s current
and relatable to virtually everyone in your audience!

In a nutshell: Three spectators each secretly choose a pen name and social media platform. The mentalist is able to determine each name and the platform on which they’re going viral.
(Psst! The focus is on entertainment and mystery, not secret moves!)
The Effect In Full: To begin with, the mentalist shows five cards, each with the name and logo of a different social media platform such as Facebook and Twitter, and talks about what they’re typically used for; people posting pictures of their lunch, videos of their pets and kids doing darling (or stupid) things, and so on. The cards are placed face up on a table on stage.
The mentalist now invites three random spectators to join him on stage and explains that the participants will play the parts of folks on social networks who have posted something that’s “gone viral” — whatever it was they posted, it seems like the whole world now knows about it.
In order to retain some privacy in real life, each participant will select a pen name under which they’ll post their stories, pictures, and videos. Three cards are shown, each bearing a different humorous name, and mixed face down and given to the participants. The mentalist turns his back and instructs each person to select a card that will be used as his identity, look at and memorize the name, then put it into his pocket. No one but the three participants themselves will know which name they selected.
In order to keep the three social media experts from competing with each other, they’ll each work on a different social network. Three cards listing account information (the pen names and the network each should work with) are handed one to each spectator. The mentalist once again turns his back and the participants choose the correct social network card based on their secret pen name. The social network card also goes in their pocket, out of sight.
The mentalist picks up a blank sheet of paper from the table, folds it in half, and draws a large square on it. He tells the audience he’ll use that as his iPad to look at which spectator is posting on which social network. Telling the participants to concentrate on their pen name and their social network, the mentalist pretends to tap buttons and swipe screens on the piece of paper. One by one he’s able to correctly identify each person’s name and their chosen network.
This routine can entertain any audience, and besides being a lot of fun it’s a complete mystery how the mentalist is able to know what each person is thinking.
Downloadable PDF includes a
“Print Your Own Props” section
so you can get started right away!

The Unheard Of Guarantee
Every magic shop I’ve ever been in had a sign like this on the wall, “You are buying the secret — No Refunds!” I’m not doing that. If you’re unhappy with Going Viral I want you to tell me, and if there’s nothing I can do to make you a happy customer, I’ll offer your money back.
That’s right, a money-back guarantee for a magic trick!
While there may be a few who will take advantage of me just to discover the secret, I think most performers are honest and would rather I treat them that way instead of assuming they will try and cheat me.
Buy right now and download within 10 minutes — you don’t have to wait for me to wake up or check my email, or get back from vacation, or whatever! (What are we, barbarians?!)
PS – This routine does not take any sleight-of-hand and it doesn’t even require any memory work because I show you multiple ways to put a “crib sheet” out in plain view! That means you can focus on your performance instead of moves!