Ever thought about getting into readings but didn’t know how to get started? This is a great way to get your feet wet — NuMatrix Cards is low pressure and has a surprise ending!
By Jay Jennings
The Effect:
The mentalist shows nine large cards, each with a different grid of 16 numbers, and allows the participant to choose the one that appeals to her at that moment.
Setting the other eight grid cards aside, the mentalist writes something on the back of the extra Lo Shu card and places it aside for later. Handing the dry erase marker to the spectator, he asks her to circle a number on the grid. He then takes the marker and draws a line through the other numbers in that row and column. This continues until four numbers have been chosen and all other numbers have been crossed out.
Using the chosen numbers, the mentalist gives a short reading and then has the spectator help add up the four numbers, making a fifth number that is the most important for the spectator. Turning over the card written on earlier, before the first number was even chosen, is seen the same fifth number and the meaning for the spectator, proving you really do know how to read people!

- For Magicians
- For Mentalists
- For Numerologists

NuMatrix Cards could be called a magic trick disguised as a numerology reading.
Or, it could be referred to as a numerology reading with a kicker ending. (That’s how I’ve used it.)
Watch this quick overview video to see what it’s all about:
NuMatrix is available as a PDF file that allows you to “print your own props” and get started immediately: