A fun close-up or parlor magic routine (with a mentalism flavor and an “OMG!” ending) that revolves around the game of chess!
The effect: Six chess boards are shown, each missing a different piece and one board is chosen at random. Now multiple chess pieces are shown and one chosen by random. That turns out to be the one piece that is missing from the chosen chess board.
Included are 34 Chess Piece cards, 6 Chess Board cards, and Number Chips you can use to randomly select the options.
The downloadable instructions PDF includes everything you need to get started:
- The Method
- The Preparation
- The Presentation and Script
- Miscellaneous Notes
- Resources
Plus, it also includes a “Print Your Own Props” section that allows you to print the chess boards, number chips, and chess piece cards needed to perform the routine!
That means you can get started right away, even before the props arrive!

The download version is a 16-page PDF file for just $7 USD that you can grab immediately!
But wait, there’s more!
I’m also including a set of tutorial videos that will walk you through the preparation, method, and performance of Coincidence At Play. (You know, just in case you don’t feel like reading…)
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